CSI Business Consulting-passenger train

Better traveller experience through operational excellence - Railways

Approach – details

Experts from many different departments were involved to make sure all angles got covered. A client team was set up to work side-by-side with CSI to learn and provide further operational expertise. After a short preparation phase this joint team took charge of the program execution, including:

  • Diagnostic
    • A 4-week analysis including data analyses, on-the-ground process observations and numerous interviews with all parties involved. Result: a comprehensive set of opportunities for improvement along the dimensions of customer service, operational processes, management systems, and people’s skills and behaviours.
  • Transformation plan
    • Development of pilot implementation plans based on our client’s priorities
    • Tailoring CSI’s Lean operations approach for the specific improvement initiatives
  • 2 pilot implementations
    • 23 highly interdependent change initiatives for the most critical rail bundles
    • Targetting better performance in various aspects, like:
      • Collaboration: e.g. with Fleet Management, Maintenance, Traffic Management and with other rail bundles
      • Processes: e.g. first departures, management of breakdowns,
      • Quality management
      • Personnel- and material planning & scheduling
      • Multiskilling of operators for more flexibility
      • Performance management
    • Providing mechanisms for people to raise their concerns and suggestions, initiating a culture of continuous improvement
  • Preparation for roll-outs to all other sites
  • Training and intensive coaching of client team members to develop autonomy