CSI Business Consulting-bank vault locker door

Implementing a Lean transformation – Banking & insurance


This client, a bank active in 3 neighbouring countries, had known massive growth (>25% per year) during a couple of years. The corresponding workload increase coincided with high personnel turnover typical for the region at that time. Both challenges were absorbed by massive recruitment. However, resources stayed scarce, and higher efficiency and effectiveness was required for further growth. An Operational Excellence Program was launched. When the economy slowed down, the Operational Excellence Program was pursued just the same, as the need for efficiency remained. Only the reasons changed.

CSI Business Consulting-bank counter

Our Mission

  • Recruit and train the team that would drive the transformation
  • With the team, prepare the roll-out model and planning for the specific initiatives
  • Assist the team in implementing the change program in the mortgage-, debit card-, consumer finance- and corporate lending area (10-15 mln EUR savings ongoing)
CSI Business Consulting-bank cards


Within 1 year:

  • roll-out to mortgage and debit card area finalised; business teams executing ‘continuous improvement’ – in total 4.5 mln EUR realised
  • roll-out to consumer finance and corporate lending area – resulting in 5,2 mln Eur savings


  • Month 1-2: develop roll-out model for ideas developed with McKinsey
    • Understanding and describing standard working procedures (improvements)
    • Mapping of the roll-out (how many and which branches, what initiatives, …)
    • Developing various roll-out options
  • Month 3: preparing the roll-out and the implementation team
    • Preparing detailed supporting material for the roll-out (handbooks, training documents, communication documents, …)
    • Mobilising and training the implementation team (Operational Excellence experts and business responsibles)
  • Month 4-6: implementing the changes in the branch network
    • Executing general training sessions
    • Providing on-site support to explain and coach new initiatives
    • Follow-up
  • Month 6-8: certification of the debit card / mortgage roll-out results
  • Month 7-12 : preparing and starting the roll out in consumer finance and corporate lending areas
CSI Business Consulting-bank building

Main challenges

  • Execute the changes in a coordinated way in the three countries (with different cultures) simultaneously
  • Build a completely new team to a sufficiently high level, so it can drive the roll-out
  • Maintaining focus on operational efficiency, while at the same time it was decided to fully change the organisational structure and operating model of the bank